I hear photographers and other creatives complain about the usage model often. Some say that their clients don’t get it so it’s easier to price based on time, but today there is more proof that not only do they get it, they want it for themselves.
In this article on AdAge.com, very important agency heads talk about how the “pitch system” is broken. Even the one guy who says he likes pitches says that the compensation system is messed up:
I understand how costs have to be driven down but the fee-base that we’re on now, it’s like being an hourly worker — like the person who does the drywall, and I believe we should be paid by the idea. If we spend four hours and the idea is worth $50 million, it doesn’t seem right to just be paid for four hours.
So, the next time you have an agency client say “we don’t do usage” be understanding that they may not for themselves, but show them how it is more fair and encourage them to demand the same from their clients.
Leslie, Great post !
Same as with copyright, intellectual property and so on, these are topics people in the creative industries should better know. Others know them and take the opportunity to make a hell of a money out of the industries ignorance.
Creatives are creating content, corporation and also indivuduals (check blogs out!) need to simply exist. We need to be paid accordingly to be able to continue to create. By better knowing the above mentionned subjects, we create a win-win situation which finally deserves greatly our honest clients. We owe them this.