
Designer/typographer/photographer Lisa Rienermann uses space and structure…to form letters and, thus words.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I don’t usually show photographer’s work on this blog, and she is not a client or anything, but she’s also not (just) a photographer. The reason I wanted to point her out is that I’m sure that many of you will look at the work and think “okay, cool, but it’d never be used commercially” when what I see is something that the right art director or buyer would look at and think “I have got to find a project for this–maybe we could pitch this idea to [fill-in-the-blank-mega-client].” In this case, she is wearing all the hats, but still, the idea transcends. 

When you stop trying to answer every question (playing it safe) and instead start making work that evokes questions, you just might find one of those questions being “Which of our clients can we get to sign off so we can use this guy/woman?”

(hat tip to Coudal)

4 Replies to “Creative”

  1. Thanks for pointing us to her work. I downloaded her pdf portfolio (in German) and had no trouble understanding what she does… brilliantly even without benefit of translation. Yep… a picture is still worth a thousand words.

  2. With all due respect.I’m really sorry that you use such negative language trying to get people to consider the idea of a spark. QUOTE:”I ’m sure that many of you will look at the work and think “okay, cool, but it’d never be used commercially” What the hell does that say about you attempting inspiring people with such negative comments while validating your apparent brilliance at deciphering the situation? Your comments sound sarcastic and condescending.
    “Many of you”, hyperbolic and assuming.

  3. And using the phrase “with all due respect” as a fake cover to be rude is just, well, rude. Respect? What respect? You sure haven’t shown any. However, if you read all the posts I have written over the years, or the articles, or seen me speak, you’ll know how big of a linguistic leap you have made. You’d know how supportive I have been of the creative community and maybe cut me a bit of slack for maybe, possibly a minor error in word choice.

    Besides, I don’t think it was–you aren’t in my shoes. You don’t know how many of you photographers literally freak out (yes, literally–as if I had asked you to cut off a limb) when I suggest a promo that does beyond a postcard or shooting the work you love instead of what you assume clients want, etc. You want to talk about who is insulting to creatives? It is often creatives themselves. That is no assumption–that is experience talking.

  4. Again, you use wide swaths of YOU Photographers as in “those people” kind of generalities to make your points. I have absolutely nothing to do with the group you want to talk to like dogs. Why be negative? Why not just admire the presentation of the spark this artists represents instead of pedantically categorizing others failure to recognize her efforts? Thanks for replying to my comments. Sorry if you think I’m rude , I’m responding to the words you wrote down. As far as reading your other material I do read your pieces and I thought that this particular one was condescending. You shouldn’t assume that people may not have come across your blog before to “understand” your subtleness .You are about to become an attorney aren’t you? Words are your currency aren’t they? Maybe you should consider how you spend them a little more carefully.

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