Several items of note….
Images of the prostitute from the Spitzer situation were used without permission and probably in violation of copyright. Ã…sk points us to the stories.
Heather Morton is an Art Buyer in Canada. She now has a blog photographers should most definitely be reading. You want to know what ABs think? Read her blog. Don’t let her being Canadian dissuade you–they’re like us, only less tan and more polite. 😉
Seriously, our industries are more global than ever and so the differences between how Canada and US creative buyers think and work are relatively minor. You’ll learn a lot from Heather no matter where you are.
Rob Haggart of has another great post. This one about magazines paying late should serve to remind photographers of the importance of marking up expenses beofre billing them (as Production Charges) to clients. You are not your clients’ bank!
The New York Times had an article in the Sunday edition about prostitutes. In it there are several quotes photographers would do well to remember–like the one about how even if one gets the same (ahem) service, paying $150 or $1500 for that service changes how the provider is treated (more money = better treatment).
Oh, and I’m back in my own office now for the next few weeks. I’m headed to Chicago in April for the FINAL ASMP SB2 event, of course, but until then things should be (relatively) back to normal.
It’s nice to be home, but the pile of mail on my desk is intimidating. 🙂
Welcome back home!
We missd you here in Canada as well.