Ready, set, sign up!

Two things you need to sign up for:

1) The next Free Manual in Your Email will go out on Monday. If you’re not on my list yet, sign up now by clicking here. Please make sure to include a web address or some info in your email so that I know you’re a real person and not some ‘bot/evil phisher-spammer.

2) ASMP’s Strictly Business 2 events! The site is now live, so you can get full info, pricing, etc., straight from the fine ASMP folks themselves. Click the link above for info, and sign up for a great program. Don’t forget the short consultations available (at a very small extra charge) with each of us main speakers.

I consider it like a Photo-MBA in a weekend. On top of everything you’ll learn (especially the negotiation role-playing and practice!), the opportunity to meet all the teachers, the keynote in each city, sponsors, and your colleagues is too fantastic to be missed.

Also, I will be available for longer-format individual consultations in each SB2 city, after the events. You can get more info about those by contacting me directly either via email or calling 619.961.5882 (during Pacific Time biz hours).