First, a bit of linguistic fun courtesy of Åsk at Adland. Note in particular “Buzzard” and “Fart Director.”
In more important news, just when you might be thinking creativity isn’t worth as much as you think it is, two news bits (re)confirm your suspicions–it’s worth loads.
This article from Business Week notes how more and more creatives are becoming significant executives in major companies–something almost unheard of not too very long ago. They do suffer from one common problem, though: a lack of business knowledge.
Sound familiar? 🙂
And, even more encouraging, there is this piece of news about the creators of South Park… Love it or loathe it, South Park is clearly original and its creators have constantly followed their own creative voices, rather than conforming to what others told them they should (or, more likely, should not) do. And now, by making a unique product and holding on to their creative rights while working out a very interesting licensing deal, those two guys are expected to make $75 million in the next three years.