Another Business Line?

Here’s an interesting article in the New York Times about a potential new money-making line for photographers: the professional portrait for use on social media. I rather hate how the NYT writer calls them “glamour shots” though. Ugh. Ick.

I’ve noticed that more and more people, at least men, are using professional photos on dating websites too (yes, I’m a single woman who uses those sites too… don’t judge me…ha!). It can make a big difference in how someone is perceived. If you choose to do that. though, go easy on the post-production. It’s bad enough when they lie about their age…

Anyway, this could be a fun and relatively simple add-on to your services if you are looking for a bump in your bottom-line. Partner up with a great stylist and offer package deals, find some great locations, could be a lucrative line of service.

One thing, though: make sure to use a good model release so that you can use the work at a minimum for your marketing, even if the subject won’t agree to let you license her/his likeness for stock.