
If you aren’t watching Snapshot, with Tim Mantoani, you are missing out.

I’m lucky enough to know Tim and, besides his obvious talent, he’s just a super person. It’s really no surprise to me that he’s as successful as he is since he not only goes after what he wants to do, he does it with graceful passion. I mean, he’s absolutely passionate about his work and he knows he knows his stuff, but he is not a jerk about it. Instead he infuses that passion into the work so that you can’t help but get caught up in it.

If you want to learn to be a great photographer, watching these shows will help. No, not because you’ll learn anything about how to light or some technical thing. Rather you’ll see that Tim does the thing that makes the best connections: he is interesting and interested. Especially if you are a newer photographer who is still uncomfortable talking to clients or subjects, watch how he tells part of the story (especially but not only the visual) and how he frees up his subjects to tell the rest.

You can learn all the technical stuff out there but, in the end, even if you shoot things, you need great people skills to make it. Tim (possibly unconsciously) teaches those skills in these shows.