Notice how there haven’t been as many posts here by me lately? That’s because, for short things I have been posting mostly on the BAP facebook page. It’s much more convenient for things like links to articles or posts so I highly encourage you to fan the page and keep up with info there.
That being said, here are a couple of things I don’t want you to miss…
Rob Haggart has interviewed Selina Maitreya today on APE. It is totally worth the long read. Yes, Selina is my “competition,” but as most of you know, I don’t look on other consultants as competition but rather as colleagues. We each bring our own thinking into our work so, much like photographers, one size does not fit all. Selina is very smart and has a ton of experience and I have recommended her for years. Anyway, I’m sure her mp3 program is fabulous (I haven’t had time to review it personally) and this interview alone has loads of important info. Go, read, learn.
Now, on my own side, have you listened to my new Creative Lube podcasts? I just posted the latest one (you can buy it here). Each podcast is usually around 20 minutes long and costs only $8 each. Or, you can subscribe for a year for $80. Please note that the subscription will NOT give you access to previously posted Lubes, it’s for 12-months after the date of signing up.
Also, and still free, I will be releasing a new Manual next week. Are you on my email list? If you want to receive free Manuals, you need to sign up. Please include your url or some bio info especially if you have a generic email address (this helps me keep spammers/phishers off the list).
Finally, I posted this to Facebook and twitter last week and got some good responses, but I want to make sure I’m not missing anyone: I will be touring next May/June and if you would like me to add your town to my list of destinations, please shoot me an email. Also, let your local creative group know so that we can perhaps coordinate things.
Hi Leslie:
I doubt that my town of Ottawa, Canada, given the paucity of independent photographers as a result os the hi-tech crash and every pr type in government now having a p&s camera, woulkd be a destgination of interest to you, but there it is.
ITMeanime, as a strictly stock photographer (for now) I would like to complain gently about your use of Facebook and Twitter instead of the blog. I read it mostly for entertainment and the occasional guilt trip when you tell me something I already know but don’t seem to excercise as I should 🙁 I don’t have time in one life for the colossal waste of time Facebook and Twitter are – but I do miss those links pn the blog. (If one of them should ever result in a decent stock sale, you may be assured I’d be a regular subscriber.)
Best regards,