16 Replies to “Brilliant”

  1. This has happened to me twice in the last week, thankfully, just at quoting. I walked away from both, but the ridiculousness of their thought process was illustrated so perfectly here.

  2. Like many other photographers, I’ve often heard the ol’, “Can we use your image on our website? We’ll credit you.”

    My response? “Oh I’d love to but the last time I was at the grocery store, they refused to let me buy food with a photo credit.”

  3. in response to a fair estimate for a photo shoot, I actually got a long nasty letter from some goofball who thought it silly that a photographer should charge him to take the pictures out of their camera, for the time spent working for him after the actual shoot.

    perhaps he thinks the camera, the lighting equipment, the software needed to open and process raw images, health insurance, shouldn’t be factored into pricing…

  4. Covered just about every trick in the book before ‘the cheque is in the post’. Applicable to all commerce. Genius. How did the people who made the video get paid?

  5. Anyone been brave enough to show this to a client asking you to work for nothing?

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