Yesterday was World Copyright Day. Damn. I missed it (I claim my Civil Procedure 2 final as an affirmative defense…um…I mean excuse). To try and make up a bit for not letting y’all know about it, here is an interesting blurb from the Copyright Alliance.
Seems the new administration is taking copyright/IP protection seriously, or at least they are talking about it in a good way. Sure, this particular event was about the entertainment industry (film & TV mostly), but all creatives are in the same boat as the entertainment folks (music folks too, of course). We need to support all efforts at protecting IP.
I’d like to see more integration between the different organizations–across industries, I mean. I think we’ll get there. In the meantime, I’m hopeful about the future of IP, even with the frustrations I see in so many creative industries, I think we might just be heading towards some good solutions.
Back to the books for me… last exam tomorrow morning at 8am… Contracts 2.
Best of luck with the contracts exam – ace it!
(We’re sure to be needing another good contracts lawyer in our industry 🙂