Recently, I offered a special deal on web reviews. I so enjoyed doing reviews again (after some time not doing them), that I’ve decided to make some time in my busy life to do non-legal consulting more. I don’t have a lot of time available (my law practice keeps me busy!) but I can fit in a few limited consultations.
Here’s the deal–I’m offering the following packages:
- Send me 50 images (in a pdf) for offline review, and get a 30 minute phone consultation: $100.
- Website review, with a 45-minute phone consultation: $200.
- Online presence review–website, Facebook, Tumblr… whatever tools you are using–with a 45-minute phone consultation: $350
These are live conversations, not some written report like some other companies offer. You’ll be able to ask me questions (non-legal–these are not legal service consultations) and we’ll have a real talk.
If you’re interested, shoot me an email and I’ll send you details.