That’s the price of the BAP2Go app which you can purchase from iTunes here.
Why is your mouth agape? That isn’t expensive… it’s cheap, actually. I wanted to price it closer to $100, but getting you people to pony up for anything that doesn’t have its own chip or lens is just about impossible so I settled for $59.99. 🙂
After Apple takes their chunk and you factor in the costs for development and maintenance and the time I’m putting in generating new content and, well, I’m not making much. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think I should raise the price.
What gets me is how difficult it seems to be for y’all to recognize the value. And then I thought about it and realized that it’s not really so surprising after all since y’all (many of you) have a horrible time valuing your own work! So, let me explain the value in my work and, hopefully, you’ll see how this price isn’t high, it’s if anything low. Maybe it will help you reframe how you look at the value of your own work, too.
First off, I’ve got years of experience in the industry. Lots of years. More years than I really want to admit some times. The point is, the old story about Picasso doing a drawing in very little time and charging $50K or whatever applies here: it’s not that it took me two hours to write one of the articles I posted on the app… it took me my entire professional career to be able to do it. And there are multiple articles. And more are going to be added over time.
Second, same dynamic for the podcasts–your getting deep, sound knowledge. Plus, the annual subscription for the Creative Lube podcast was $80, but you get it built in to the app–no muss, no fuss. Fiscally, then, you’re already ahead in year one, but with each new addition, your cost drops again and again because you are getting more and more.
Third, you get video/keynote-based presentations. There’s only one up there now, but there will be more and more posted. You don’t have to pay any more to get them they’ll just magically appear in the app. More stuff, not more $$.
Fourth, I’m a week from taking my oath and being a lawyer. While I won’t be able to give specific legal advice on the app (there are ethical issues involved) I will be able to discuss legal issues and can do so with more knowledge and authority than a non-lawyer. You’ll be getting all that info too, again at no additional cost.
Fifth, the photographers and others who are offering advice up for free? Well, they are making their money as photographers or reps. That’s fine–good for them– but I am a consultant (and soon lawyer). This is my profession. I went to law school because I wanted to learn more to help photographers. As this is my profession, I make money by sharing my expertise… for a fee. I put my time and energies into studying the business of photography, not what new camera is out there or what lighting system to use. I’m not trying to produce a shoot while I’m trying to write a podcast. My focus is entirely on the business of being a creative businessperson and how my clients can be more successful at it. That’s all and that’s everything. And that is of great value.
In sum, what you are getting is like a book, but one that will increase in volume and value over time–like an expanding photography business encyclopedia, but all in your pocket. Â What you pay for today will be worth more in three months, and even more in 6, and still more in a year, etc. So, the app is actually an appreciating asset, and those are damn rare these days.
I know many of you have and will spend (possibly much) more than the price of this app for a static, print book of Avedon’s images which, while gorgeous, won’t do as much for your business (it will help inspire, of course). Doesn’t it make sense to spend not quite as much on something that is of a greater value to your business today and will be of even greater value tomorrow?
I am very sad to see that you have felt the need to write this Leslie. I must leap to your defence.
People? This app is *great* value for money. Leslie’s advice and expertise is invaluable, and I for one have benefitted from her wisdom.
$60 of your budget for the knowledge that Leslie offers is too much? Are you kidding me? I bet you pay twice that for your monthly cable TV hookup.
Since I don’t hear very well and find it difficult to use any sort of smart (or dumb) cell phone, I probably wouldn’t be an app customer.
That being said, I am pleased to report that Leslie also offers very good books about the business of photography. I’ve purchased both of her books, and eagerly await her third. (You are writing a third book, aren’t you, Leslie?)
What David said.
Here are the facts. I hired Leslie to do what Leslie does. The day after I implemented the marketing plan, I was asked to quote a job.
Because of her marketing plan, my portfolio has been called in to a firm I never would have considered.
Leslie is a person who inspires and stimulates thought. I had a conversation with her a few weeks ago and because of that conversation I am bidding on a video job.
$60 for Leslie’s wisdom. Cheap. I can’t wait until the Android version comes out!