Available today, the new Burns Auto Parts Consultants to Go (BAP2Go) app provides buyers with vital business information. It’s like having my brain, in your pocket, but without the squishy mess.
Seriously, though, what the app does is give you instant access to Manuals, other writings, my Twitter feed, and Creative Lube podcasts and will, soon, also have videos, information about upcoming speaking events, and (when I pass the Bar), legal information too. All the content is at no additional charge after purchasing the app and it is constantly push-updated. In other words, you pay once and, in a month, you’ll have more than you paid for. In 6 months, even more. It’s kind of like an ever-expanding photo business multi-media encyclopedia, all in one place and for one flat fee.
Currently it’s only Apple-product friendly, but an Android version is in the works.
It was mean of you to include an IQ test on the title screen.