Hypocrisy check

Have you paid for every song on your iTunes? Every video? How about all of your software? Unless the item was released by its IP owner for free reproduction/distribution, I mean, of course.

Do you have videos you’ve made which have a soundtrack from your music library? Did you buy the license for that use?

Do you have a $500 “designer” item that you bought for $25?

How about your spouse/partner? And your kids? Do they have illegal downloads on their machines?

I’m betting that many of you have stuff you got by less-than-legal means or use IP in ways for which you do not have the rights. And your kids, almost assuredly so.

We cannot take the moral high ground when we ourselves are infringing on the IP rights of others or permit our families to do so. We must lead by example as much as we preach respecting copyright (and other IP protections). Using excuses like “well, it was just this once” or “I can’t afford the software” or “someone sent it to me” won’t cut it. We must be clean ourselves.

Years ago, I had illegal software. I got rid of it and told my family (who had given me most of it) that it was wrong. I still fight with my brothers about ripping and sharing. It’s not fun, but I know it’s the right thing to do.  I know I’m not hurting other creatives and/or other businesses (yes, even the big ones) who invest time, money, and effort into making these products.

I know that I’m no longer a part of the problem.

How about you? Are you an IP hypocrite like I was? You can change that today, and I hope you will. Take the time to teach those closest to you, too. And please, make sure that it’s clear that in your house, IP piracy/theft/counterfeiting in any form is not permitted.

One Reply to “Hypocrisy check”

  1. Amen. Like you, I was once lost. I had piravted software, downloaded music from Napster (Old days of Napster). Then I saw the light. The excuse that I “want” this, and they charge too much. Or thinking, someday, after I am making money with the program, Then I’ll pay for it.

    I learned you can’t talk the talk if you don’t walk the walk. If you save up, buy Photoshop, then you Have to work harder and better because you already spent the money and NEED to earn it back.

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