Seems like many people are posting good quotes on FB these days. There is a draw in the wise words of others and seeing the quotes posted made me start to go through a book of aphorisms I keep handy. Here are a few which seem fitting for creatives. Most of them, you will (hopefully) note point out the importance of making your own art. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for you to look inside to find the answers to what images to make.
I’m particularly fond of the Eugène Delacroix one in that is points out that yes, “it” may have been done before, but not by you in your own unique way.
W. Allston
The painter who is content with the praise of the world in respect to what does not satisfy himself is not an artist but an artisan; for though his reward be only praise, his pay is that of a mechanic, for his time and not for his art.
He also wrote
There is an essential meanness in the wish to get the better of anyone. The only competiton worthy of a wise man is with himself.
E. Delacroix
What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.
J. Cocteau
What the public criticizes in you, cultivate. It is you.
A. Corn
Life wounds everyone. Besides blood, though, the artist also sheds light.
A. Gide
Sin is whatever obscures the soul.