Impossible may take a little longer

The subject line is part of one of my favorite quotes (attributed to many people, my personal fave is Billy Holliday): The difficult we do right away; the impossible may take a little longer.

Seems to fit this project: the impossible project to make instant film again.

I think it’s great that people are trying to do this. I love that the passion is there to try. I have only one, very minor, complaint: all the “team” look alike–older middle-aged white men. Where are the women and the people of color? Where are the youth? At least for the younger folk they may never have played with Polaroid and so don’t know the excitement of anticipating the reveal. Too bad.

Still, good luck the the new IM force. Hope they make it happen.

2 Replies to “Impossible may take a little longer”

  1. I’m guessing that youth and people of color are not significantly represented in the population of people who have the resources, skills, and motivation to directly participate in the project. Hence, their not particularly notable absence.

    Never mistake me for a racist: I am not a racist, I am a misanthropist. As Sam Clemens put it, “All I need to know about a person is that they’re human, and that’s enough.They can’t get much worse.” However, questions like this drive me up the freaking wall. They’re not there because they’re not there. Bad enough I’m going to have to listen to a year or more of “Well, this seat has become the AFRICAN-AMERICAN Senate seat” here in IL when Roland Burris’s appointment term ends next year. Please don’t contribute to the inanity.

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