I am rapidly heading into final exams for this term and, accordingly, I will probably be a bit more sporadic in the postings until they are done. That will be around the 25th of this month. Please accept my apologies for that, in advance.
On the good side, however, is that after those exams are done (and I’ve had a few days to recover), I will no longer be a lowly 1L. That means that I will be permitted to start working again! Huzzah!
So, if any of you have been waiting to do a Test Drive or a Tune-Up, I will be able to start working with clients again soon. I’ll post more about that, as well as update the BAP website, when that happens.
Also, I will be getting back to recording the Creative Lube podcasts. I’ve had several people tell me that they miss those and I have missed doing them.
So, a lull for the short term, then things will get more active. Although I will be taking classes over the summer, I will also be available to help clients, and I look forward to that like you wouldn’t believe. 🙂
Thank you to everyone–for being patient and supportive during this first academic year!!!