Deep in exams

Sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days. I’m in exam week and, until they are done on Saturday, my brain isn’t worth much outside of the legal issues I’ve had to study. I’m pretty sure most of you would be monumentally bored if I wrote about the supplemental jurisdictional issues associated with joinder rules or whether accidentally walking on property owned by another is actionable under trespass to land (worse, I could tell you about horizontal and vertical privities…trust me, you do not want to go there). Unfortunately, that’s about all I have in my brain for this week. Just get me through Saturday morning, and maybe a wee bit of celebration afterwards…

However, once that hell of exams is done, I will no longer be a 1L (unless I pull a spectacular fail) and that means I can start working with clients again! So if you’re interested, let me know.

Also, that means I’ll get back on the Creative Lube podcasts. I expect to get one out next week sometime.

But in the meantime just a bit more patience, please…
…and some positive thoughts wouldn’t go amiss. I’ll take all the cosmic help I can get! 🙂

7 Replies to “Deep in exams”

  1. Every success with your exams, although I am certain that you will sail through with flying colors.

    Having just successfully completed a series of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) exam renewals, there are a pain to do but the end results are always worthwhile 🙂

  2. Hey Leslie-
    Thanks for staying committed to the photography industry and your business. Its a real inspiration. Your clearly a hustler so I know that you will pass these exams like butter. I will as always keep you in my prayers.

    Yo go girl!


  3. Leslie, you are going to make one heckuva lawyer. I know (by hearing about them from lawyer friends) that law school exams aren’t a walk in the park, but you’ll get through them.

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