Looking for help?

If you are looking for ideas on how to build your business, or how to estimate better, or how to build and use a good list, then you need to check out the Livebooks site. Their events page lists all sorts of helpful events–from ASMP meetings to webinars to, well, you name it.

Offering help like this, without demanding something in return (you don’t have to buy anything to access the listings!) is a great idea. It pays off for everyone.

I’m hearing from some (smart!) photographers that they are looking for ways to give to their local creative communities in these tough times. They’re not asking for or demanding anything in return (although they may get business from some of the things), nor are they giving away their creativity or licenses.

What they will do is build honest good will, and that is priceless in the long run.

Now some of the more cynical readers out there will poo-poo all of this as some sort of cultural manipulation or look for underhanded reasons for acts like these. Why not just look at the good side? Livebooks is offering information you can use. Use it, say thank you, and try to pay it forward.

One Reply to “Looking for help?”

  1. “Use it, say thank you, and try to pay it forward. ”
    great advice , great links above 🙂


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