Lulu Problems

Darn! Lulu is all of a sudden having a problem with my books. After months (and years for the first book) of printing, they have just decided that my files are unprintable for technical reasons as they are and have pulled my books until the alleged problems are fixed. Yarg.

Obviously, I think they are wrong and am trying to get things taken care of. In the meantime, please be patient. The books will be available again.

I am so sorry for the inconvenience!!!

It grows the brand

I’m a huge fan of Adland and of Futurama and of the Apple 1984 ad, so imagine my glee at the convergence! Hilarious!

But in it there is an important truth: it’s NOT all about the brand in a vacuum. There has to be something connected, to back it up, and something to connect with your targets. Cool just for cool, even in our biz, just won’t cut it.

Email v Spam

The other day on a photographers’ forum, I read a post where one guy wrote that all email marketing is spam. He was pretty adamant about it too. It’s not, and you all should know the difference. Seth Godin has a great post explaining the important difference.

In today’s more difficult market, which are you doing? 


By the way, the guy who wrote the post (I’m assuming male) is anonymous and openly admits that he uses free/microstock for his other (non-photo) business. He may call himself a pro, but that is cannibalism. I take all his posts with a grain of salt the size of my fist.