In these tough economic times one thing you can do to help your business is to improve your client service. Instead of pulling back on the “little things,” adding extras to your service can really impress clients.
For example, provide great food on shoots. Sure, that looks like a good place to save a few bucks, but humans love good food and clients will come back to a photographer who feeds them well.
Make sure to send “thank you” notes/gifts after working with someone too. A small signed print is a great idea here. Pay attention to what your client talks about during the shoot or what s/he admires in your studio (you do have your own work up on your walls, yes?) and send something more personalized that way.
Try to think of other ways to service your client too (please, no bad animal husbandry jokes here). Maybe s/he loves your coffee or is new to your area and needs suggestions for other services like plumbers and mechanics or wants to impress a date and you know the chef at a great restaurant–think outside of photography to ways you can just help out (i.e., send a pound of coffee, a list of service providers, introduce the chef to the client).
Offering these little extras can really make the difference when so many others are pulling back and offering bare-bones service to save a buck.
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