How not to get a consultant

Here are a few things you should say if you want to make sure a consultant will never want to work with you…

1. “I have a marketing budget of $1500 for the next year.”

2. “I’ll pay you a cut from a big project that you bring me!”

3. “I shoot everything and clients need to know that!”

4. “I have to show the industrial work–that’s my bread and butter–so tell me how else I can get the outdoor lifestyle work I want to get without taking the industrial off my website and out of my book.”

5. “Teach my wife how to be my rep.”

6. “I want to do as little marketing as possible.”

7. “I can make my own website.” (or promos)

8. “Pizza is good enough for me, it should be good enough for my clients.”

9. “I love my photo-vest!”

10. “I don’t like people.”

No excuses

If you are a US citizen, go vote. No excuses for rain (it’s raining here in SoCal!), cold, busy schedule, or whatever. Just be a responsible citizen and vote.

Thanks for your patience

…the new Creative Lube is up. Get it here or on iTunes (free, but donations are happily accepted). This one is on failing…and no, it is not a downer.


I really appreciate your patience. Between law school and moving onto a new MacBook, getting this one done took longer than usual. My bad!