I’ve written about promo products as an effective tool in my new book. Seems swag is even better than I knew at the time! We all love to get stuff and it (apparently) works.
Of course, if you are going to do swag-ish stuff, you are probably going to have to restrict your list some. I think that is an added benefit to sending promo items. When you have to cull your list, it forces you to do more research as to what targets are really best for you. A tighter, better edited list will improve your results.
Swag works great. I have different types of promotional material for different types of clients ranging from a simple post card to to a 4 foot tall blow up doll called Tito.
When I show my book in person I walk in the agency with Tito inflated. To say it turns head is an understatement. Don’t forget that many agencies are cube farms, boring places full of policy and BS so when you provide something of contrast everyone takes notice.
Not everyone gets a Tito but those who get them do remember me.