Cover of the year

ASME finalists for Cover of the Year are up.

Interesting that no one in the photo community has found the Spitzer one to be an issue. After all, I’m sure when he posed for it he never thought it would be used in that way. How shocking that the photographer and, in this case, the magazine itself would take an image from a shoot and manipulate it to make a political message! 

And, OMG, look–it has been done to both Obama and McCain in the fist-bump image! How sneaky and unprofessional of the magazine, its editors, and the photographer(s) involved!


3 Replies to “Cover of the year”

  1. No one in the real news world has really said anything about the Greenberg/mccain issue.
    Even at SPD it was posted but no comments.
    Hmmm Greenberg images on a private site, Spitzer on cover of national magazine.
    Which one is satire and which libel hmmm?

  2. sarcasm aside… I’d vote for the Willie Nelson cover. That’s a great image in all aspects.

    The other Tx Monthly one (BBQ 08) is good as well.

    Might not win as “magazine covers” but as photos, they are both superb.

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