Caitlin has an interesting post (from Last Thursday…my bad for not mentioning it earlier) about shooting film today–is it even possible? The short answer is “yes.”
Questions like this have always been around. Today it’s film or digital? but before digital it was what format? Back in the day (as they say), we’d have those clients who would call up and tell us what format…and usually we’d (gently) tell them that the photographer was really the best person to decide what format was really best for the project–after all, that was a part of his expertise. We’d do this because, 8 times out of 10, they’d be wrong about it.
But, and here’s a little trick for you, when the client says “do it in this format”–or digital or whatever–and when they are (luckily or not) right about it, then just do it “their way.” Give them that illusion of power, if it makes them happy. No reason to stand on an apple crate and announce that you, the artiste, will say what is and is not right…just do it. It’s a simple way to make a client happy. Show your professionalism and unique abilities in other ways, like by solving some difficult lighting issue or delivering the files early.
My take on this is that if you have clients demanding you shoot in a particular format, you may want to reevaluate your market position. Format – digital or film – shouldn’t be the reason they hire you, your style is the reason; your look. If you get your style by using a drug store disposable then they should want you to keep doing what you’re doing. OK – that’s an extreme but you get my drift I hope.
I love my film bodies. There so much friendlier to use than the cumbersome, clunky DSLRs. I go out of my way to find uses for my superwide and fisheye lenses which don’t work on the DSLRs. Even the 24 and 28 mms won’t work with the Cokin Pro filters.
Why should I drop five grand plus for a full frame DSLR packed with complicated “professional” features I’ll never use when my F3 and FE bodies purr like kittens.
How do you spell Joe McNally?