First time proud

Okay, this isn’t directly biz or photo-related, but I just had to write about this….

For the first time in a very long time, I am really proud of my country. Regardless of your personal political stand–left, right, center–every American should be proud that we have an African-American presidential candidate from a major party (in this case, the Dems).

It took this country almost 90 years to get rid of slavery, and another 95 or so to get fair voting rights (and others), but then, from then to this–40 years. Kind of amazing when you think about it. And not only a black candidate–he’s mixed race and has a name that is about as far from Bob Wasp as you can get! WOW!

I was a tiny kid when MLK, Jr. was killed (I don’t remember the event directly). I wasn’t yet born when he made his most famous speech on the Mall in Washington, DC. These are events I learned about in history class. In an all white public school. 

Now we have a nation of people who are seeing the man for the content of his character, not the color of his skin, to paraphrase Dr. King. It’s amazing. Even if you aren’t planning on voting for him in November, you have to give pause and be proud of our country for achieving this. 

And how is this for an amazing historical coincidence: on the evening that Mr. Obama accepts the nomination, officially, it will be the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech. 

Kinda give you chills.

Way to go, USA. Take a minute or two to be happy and proud of your country (if you’re an American). For many of us, it’s the first good, hopeful, happy thing we’ve seen from our nation, in the big, political sense especially, in a very long time. And for those of us who have not felt the weight and darkness of the past many years, you too should celebrate this anyway. Even if Obama is your worst vision of a candidate–for any reason(s) except the color of his skin–you too have reason to be very proud. When you see African-American kids on the news, like I did last night, excitedly talking about how they too could be president some day, it’s a great day in America.



3 Replies to “First time proud”

  1. I agree completely!

    Our next step is to grant civil rights to all and end discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

  2. Today is also the anniversary of Bobby Kennedy’s assassination. Bad memory. Truthfully I don’t think I ever got over the Kennedy killings. The pundits are all comparing the excitement over Obama to the way it was with B. Kennedy. I can remember him coming to my town on L.I. NY to the local shopping mall to make a speech during his campaign. Times are so different now. Back then, even after his brothers assassination, he traveled around with very few body guards. Mostly football players.

  3. Agreed, We have a tremendous amount to be proud of but there has seemed to be a drought politically until the event of Tuesday night.

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