What’s Your Favorite Porn?

It’s kind of funny how the word porn has gone from something said with distaste–like as if you still had the taste of the soap your mom once used to wash out your mouth, or spat out like an involuntary Tourette-like event–to a term of, well, almost affection. Certainly admiration.

In that vein, the admiration and inspiration one, here’s a post where an artist and critic lists some of her “artist porn”–things that inspire and excite the creative in her.

I think we all should make lists like this. What things in life inspire your creative side–not the obvious, like your camera or a perfect model or your kids, but other things like the design of a perfect spoon, or the films of Jeunet or a great pair of shoes (hey, I am a chick and love shoes)–what’s your list?