On the road to Phoenix

I’m heading out shortly to drive to Phoenix. I’ll be speaking there tomorrow night (the 7th) at ASMP-AZ/PHX. Hope to meet lots of you at the event!

However, the travel means I may not be as able to post as usual. So please forgive me if I’m a bit lax in that area for the next few days. Hard to get an internet connection zipping through Gila Bend, don’t-cha know. 🙂

I head back on Thursday, and will be back at my desk on Friday.

One Reply to “On the road to Phoenix”

  1. Doood…you were rad! I have to thank you again for the skills you laid down last night. You did great and I am incorporating what I learned into my marketing plan right now.

    You really inspired Kody too. We’re going to discuss her experience today and develop a marketing plan for her as well.


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