Maybe you don’t have ADD, your biz does has a Men’s Health article I think we all can use. It discusses “office ADD”–the over-connected, distracted, frantic life so many of us are leading these days at work, and spilling into the home. I know many of you do unhealthy things like check email at home, after working hours. This article discusses how endemic it is to our working culture and offers some solutions.

Don’t blow off the solutions. The world will not end if you don’t check email for hours. You won’t lose the best gig you ever had a shot at getting because you stopped working at 5:30pm and gave yourself a life outside of your business. Take some time and think about what is really important–you can’t do your best work if your brain is fried, so maybe implementing some of these ideas will help your biz more than looking at your iPhone every 5 minutes. I certainly think so.