
In yesterday’s post I should have made it clear that Jeff Sedlik does not endorse using a media buy percentage system to determine fees. I added the link to his APAnet post (and the thread in general) to emphasize the concept of understanding value, but the way I worded the post, it certainly appears that I am including Mr. Sedlik in those who specifically use and encourage a media buy percentage system. I was wrong to give that impression.

I am sorry for the confusion and my sloppy writing which caused it.

I do want to say that though Jeff and I differ on using a media buy percentage system, he is someone who has consistently stood for photographers understanding the value of their work and pricing appropriately with that understanding. I encourage people to read his posts on various forums (and in all media) with respect and an open mind.

One Reply to “Correction!”

  1. Leslie – I think there was a bottom line understanding in yesterday’s post even though I’m sure Mr. Sedlik’s appreciated his specific ideas clearified.

    My feeling is that – overall – the concept of photography’s value as a percentage of media purchases is a good way to illustrate its worth. However, the difficulty, inconvenience and often impossible task of getting accurate media spending figures for a specific project lead photographers away from using them to calculate license fees.

    I appreciated Tim Olive’s method of negotiation when his fees are questioned; once asked to justify costs, then media budgets are a great method for sharpening the pencil – so to speak.

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