It’s official–with dates and locations and everything–and now I can share it with you:
ASMP presents Strictly Business 2:
Los Angeles – Doubletree Torrance, January 25-27, 2008
Atlanta – Atlanta Marriott Century Center, February 22-24, 2008
Philadelphia – Crowne Plaza Philadelphia, March 7-9, 2008
Chicago – Renaissance Chicago North Shore, April 11-13, 2008
Information and registration will be available on ASMPs site by September 1. In the meantime, here are some basic facts you should know:
- There will only be these 4 events. Yes, the original Strictly Business added event after event after the originally planned ones, but that will not be happening this time. If you don’t go to one of these events, you will not get another chance to attend one later for years. This is to ensure quality over quantity as these events are expensive and complex to produce.
- The featured speakers will be John Harrington, Judy Hermann, Blake Discher, and me. We will cover the business side of your business, including issues of marketing, paperwork, legal issues, copyright, pricing, negotiating, and much more.
- The keynote speaker will be, depending on location, either Sean Kernan or Joyce Tenneson. Either will be a great addition to the events and give us all a needed creative injection.
- The outstanding sponsors are making it possible for ASMP to offer the events at very low prices and to include 2 meals each day of the two-day events–to help you afford the travel needed to reach these events.
- You’ll get the chance to book 30-minute individual consultations on different business aspects with the features speakers (including me), at very discounted rates (I will also offer longer-form consultations the day after in each city but those will be booked directly through me instead).
- There will be both lectures and smaller group work, plus plenty of opportunities for talking with the speakers, asking questions, and learning more (not to mention the book with additional materials you’ll receive).
Those of us involved (including the ASMP folk, especially Susan Carr) have been working very hard to put together fantastic events which will help photographers understand and manage their businesses the best they can. We’ve all dedicated lots of time and effort to Strictly Business 2 and we’re positively excited about how things are coming together. This is a great opportunity for all photographers and I can’t encourage you enough to attend.