Ah…after a few days off I am back at my Mac and hoo doggie, it looks like I missed some dust-ups on some of the forums. Lines were drawn and insults not-so-subtly thrown in my direction, and all without me being able to defend myself.
Oh well. No biggie.
Why am I not so concerned with the fact that someone said, essentially, and very publicly, that my advice was not only bad, it was actually harmful? And why would I be crazy enough to share this with you readers who may have missed it on its original forum?
Because I know that it is simply not true.
I know that I spend way too much time doing research, asking questions, reading, learning everything I can in my field (and a few related others) to think for a second that my advice is harmful. And hearing from past clients that I have helped them and their businesses confirms this knowledge. In fact, my advice is good and helpful for many. So whatever anyone may choose to say about me, good or bad, I know that it is just someone’s opinion and not the truth.
I don’t need to defend myself because I respect and honor my own experience. I also don’t need to attack others because I respect and honor theirs. In this case, this other person has taken data/information and come to an opinion on action that is different from mine. I don’t even think she is “wrong” and I am “right” but rather that we weigh different aspects of that data differently and therefore come to different opinions of the best actions to take. Of course, I think my advice is more likely to give positive results–or I would not hold the opinion that I do. But, I understand her opinion as well and it is not baseless–it is simply not the same as mine.
So, for those of you who may have been wondering, no, I’m not going to bring up what was said a week ago and hash it out on that forum. It’s in the past and those who know and respect me and my work will continue to do so, no matter what someone else (not a client, mind you–if a client had bad things to say, that would matter very much!) says. And I will continue to respect myself and do what I can, the best I can, just as I always have.