Paul McEvoy shared this horrible craigslist posting for a photo gig in Maine. I’m surprised they don’t ask the photographer to genuflect before approaching the production crew as well. Sheesh.
I flagged it and think others should too. It’s an insult to photographers.
UPDATE: The post has been flagged for removal so let me just share the gist: shoot stills for Food Network (not for broadcast), all day (at least), get images edited and corrected on disc to producer within 7 days, sign over copyright, and get paid a whopping $150US for it.
As a side note to this:
When there’s no value, all that’s left is price.
The last place you want to be is sellling price.
Provide and sell value ALWAYS.
And besides, the people who buy price are not the ones you want to be working for. That’s a promise!
Keep up the great work Leslie. I love reading your thoughts and ideas-