I’m sorry.

I would like to openly apologize to anyone who has been frustrated, irritated, or in any way put out by the recent series of forum flame-wars (PDN, ASMP Pro/Student, EP), particularly those on pricing issues.

In the past couple of months, for reasons unknown, a certain person and I have had a considerable number of back-and-forths. I have tried to keep things on a professional and courteous level, but I do not always succeed. For that I am very sorry.

I am also sorry that important information and ideas may be getting lost in the mess. This is what concerns me the most, to be honest. I hope that any of you who have been reading the forums continue to do so and continue to think about the issues being raised. We’re in a crucial time for our industries and these issues should be raised and discussed and considered–from all points of view.

Don’t let the nastiness put you off. Get in there and learn. Critical thought is critically needed to take creatives, especially photographers, from where they are now through this turbulent new media rights upheaval time, and into what could be a lucrative future.

Again, I’m sorry for any and all off-putting. I won’t stop posting, however, as I think we need to challenge assumptions and try new or different ideas. I will, though, try harder to keep things positive, impersonal, and on-topic.

Thank you for your patience.

2 Replies to “I’m sorry.”

  1. The fact that there are so many hot emotions shows that this is an important topic that needs to be in discussion. Thank you for your contribution in the discussion. I learn much by hearing another viewpoint that I may not have thought through before.

  2. Thanks for posting this – although I think no apology is needed. Your contribution to our industry and my personal success is significant and sincerely appreciated. Non illegitimus carborundum!

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