No good deed goes unpunished…

I have no idea who first said that, but sometimes it’s hard to remember that it is very untrue. This weekend was one of those times. I posted my opinion on a topic on a pro photographer forum, giving advice which I believe to be the best advice I could give, with the hopes that readers would find it helpful, and suddenly a couple of the other posters decided to make my life difficult. They got personal and beyond snarky.

I felt spanked, and without good reason.

Now, I don’t work weekends (as a rule) but I looked at this forum on Saturday morning. So, I guess I was asking for some spankage since I broke my own rule, but this was too much. I started getting pretty down about it.

Then I started getting emails and personal messages from other forum members. They, rather than snarking, wrote lovely comments about how I had helped them or that they had learned from things I had written, etc.

So, what started out as a negative response to my efforts turned out, in the end, to be a good thing.

How many times in the recent past has something that started out as an apparent negative turned around for you? Did you do something to make that happen? To make it better? To see the positive side?