Your list

One of the most popular questions I get asked is “Who should I have on my marketing list?” This is a very important question–I’m glad people are asking it. Generally speaking, I usually advocate the two-list system, that is, an A-List and a B-List.

Your A-List should be made up of the people you really want to work with. A good way to build this list is to keep a file of all the materials you see that make you think “Damn, I wish I had done that.” Note, that is not “Damn, I could have done that.” The work is something that moves you on a deeper level, where you know that your creative contribution would fit well, etc.

For example, maybe you love the photography Apple uses and you too shoot images in a similar manner. Add Apple to your list. Also add any agency that does work with Apple. You can research that information on list services like ADBASE. With that one company you now have many people to target on your A-List.

Your B-List are all the local firms or any other company or firm you have extra budget to send things to. You’re not going to spend much of your marketing dollars or time on this list. This is the “shotgun approach” list that, if it pays off and you get a gig, great, but you’re not going to work too hard at attracting these potential clients. Have extra mailers after sending to your A-List? Send ’em to your B-list.

The point is, your A-Listers are pre-qualified. You know they use good work and work like you produce. Therefore, they are more likely to be interested in your work. So, any effort you make in reaching these people has a greater possibility in paying off. Also, they are usually higher-end agencies and brands who usually have better budgets and thus who will pay you better fees.

A small, highly targeted A-List will pay off better than all the shotgun approaches out there. Start working on yours today.